
Goodbye 2013, I'm can't say I'm going to miss ya!

I must say that even though I'm a little sad to see 2013 go, I'm not going to miss it.

Not only, did I injure both of my knees, burn out two PC's, 2013 was also horrible in the winning department.  The later was more my fault than anything, I took most of the year off.  Heres a final rundown of my online earnings from this past year. 

Swagbucks- $756
InstaGC- $1322 (10 months)
Pinecone research- $81
Zoombucks- $27 (7 months)
Gift Hulk-$5 
OLS(giveaways)- $940
Plus over $800 worth of rewards/freebies from Misc sources.

For a Grand total of $3,931

Hopefully 2014 will be much better.  I am going to post my monthly totals here in hopes of keeping myself motivated. What are you doing to stay motivated?